Relaxing in nature with comfort: what do modern recreation centers offer?
If earlier recreation in nature was always associated with inconvenience, tents, mosquitoes and cold, today this concept has completely changed. A modern recreation center near Kyiv is an equipped complex in which all communications are established, and where everyone can find activities to their liking. When planning your weekend, consider a suburban option. There you can not only enjoy the beauty of nature, but also taste delicious dishes, get healthy or enjoy a new activity for the whole family.What to do in the forest near Kyiv?

In addition to healing fresh air and sound sleep, the following procedures are available to visitors:- Visiting a wood-fired bath.
- Procedures in an equipped SPA center.
- Swimming in the pool.
- Healing in the "bee house".
- Gym.
- Attending organized yoga groups.
Hobby in the forest near Kyiv
Don't have time to do what brings you joy and pleasure? Then free up time on the weekend or week to pay attention to the following:- Riding on horses and in a carriage.
- Fishing on the lake in the complex or on the banks of the Ros River.
- Hunting.
- A game of billiards.
- Reading books from the large library of the recreation center near Kyiv.
Active recreation in the forest near Kyiv
Sedentary work and constant busyness is no reason to deny yourself emotions. Lisotel offers its guests- Take a boat ride.
- Check in with bicycles.
- Order a tour.
- Go on a hike to pick berries, mushrooms, or healing herbs.
- Take part in folk festivities.
Constant stress puts the nervous system out of balance. You began to notice fatigue, irritability and aggression more and more often, then the recreation center in the forest near Kyiv is ready to offer the following:- Resting on the beach by the river/lake.
- Folk art master classes.
- Learning skills such as pottery or making homemade bread.
- Outdoor picnics.
- Visiting the chapel.

The forest, the river and the feeling of complete tranquility will help you replenish your energy supply and strength.